
EO Executives Conference 2023: Recap of the autumn conference in Cologne

Written by EO Executives on Nov. 29, 2023

Cologne, 29.11.2023

This year's autumn conference in Cologne marked a milestone for all EO Executives partners. From 15 to 17 November 2023, the days were not only characterised by an intensive exchange of knowledge, but also offered space for sociable evening events and an exclusive guided tour of Cologne Zoo.

Synergies for sustainable success in executive search & interim management

The previous summer conference in June 2023 was held under the motto "Collaboration" - a motto that was actively taken up at this year's autumn conference and translated into concrete actions.

The autumn conference once again offered the partners of EO Executives numerous opportunities to deepen their contacts. The intensive exchange of knowledge provided practical approaches for optimising candidate and client care in executive search and interim management.

EO Executives Autumn Conference: Cologne

Partnership and innovation in focus

In addition to the exchange of best practices and the development of promising approaches in executive search and interim management, the focus was always on interpersonal interaction. This time, the productive work in the conference rooms was followed by a great get-together over dinner.

The highlight of this year's programme was an exclusive guided tour of the aquarium and terrarium at Cologne Zoo at night. The opportunity to welcome new partners in person was a particular source of joy for the participants.

The conference was organised and led by Stephan H. Aschenbrenner (CEO and owner of EO Executives), Patric Kistner (Head of Operations) and Ünal Kaya (Senior Marketing Manager). The main topics of the conference included the optimisation of partnerships as well as cooperation with clients and candidates. All topics were based on the common guiding principle of "Care".

EO Executives Autumn Conference: Care

A lasting impression and a look into the future

The 2023 EO Executives autumn conference was a significant milestone for all participants. The lively exchanges between participants led to concrete results to make the cooperation with clients and candidates even more successful in the future.

EO Executives is looking forward to continuing to host exciting, informative and collaborative events like this year's autumn conference for its partners in the future. The firm belief that results are created by people and that synergetic collaboration with colleagues is a key to success is reflected in such events.

Gatherings like the Cologne Autumn Conference lay the foundation for a future in which leaders and entrepreneurs can support and drive each other forward to the maximum.

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